Information Officers:
Are you an information officer with...
"Nothing else delivers this level of outstanding value"
You Benefit
Save yourself from multi-hours of work
Understand where to pay attention
Demonstrate compliance
Create order & control
Deploy immediately
Save money
System Functions
Get on track. Stay on track.
Situational understanding across your organisation.
Breach Alert
Anyone is able to alert a potential breach. No app required.
Verify or nullify the suspected breach.
It's all about how you manage a breach.
Your key knowledge assets in one place.
Contact us:
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* Find your nearest dealer
* Apply to be a dealer-partner
POPIAcheck is not:
* Data-discovery system
* Doc / template pack
* Cyber-security software
* Training
it compliments these services
An easy-to-use and practical tool to support information officers manage their responsibilities and deliver organisational transparency.
Different to other systems
Other services focus on data-sources, data-mapping, policy templates and 'cheat sheets'.
Is the real deal.
A light, efficient, straightforward system to give you hands-on control of your compliance requirements.
Mobile app & browser-based.
Requires no infrastructure or support from your IT dept.
Only essential simplicity.
A solution ready-to-go. NOT a toolkit for you to build something.
Designed by a (busy) IO, for (busy) IO's.
Time to value = immediate.
Take a look
The POPI Act
Is something you must be on top of.
It is a business-as-usual obligation of every organisation following on the global trend to secure rights & protections for data subjects.
Your customers will want to understand that you are compliant.
No organisation is exempt and this is not going away.
Contact us:
* More information
* Find your nearest reseller
* Interested to become a reseller
"... outstanding value"
exclusively available from
Customers Trust Magnitude
Afgri + Austro + EAS + EIE Group + Herbalife + John Deere Finance + Jupidex + Kamojou Projects + Macsteel + Masslift + NOSA Logistics + Rapdek + Royal Bafokeng Platinum + SA Clinics + Stallion Security + Starke Ayres +
The Courier Guy + Tsebo Group + + +
POPIAcheck ver1.0
best suited to an organisation (or business unit) with annual revenues at R6m - R100m
and acting primarily in the role of 'Operator'
© 2021 GoMobile (Pty) Ltd